Trial Master File (TMF) Audits and Inspection Readiness: A Complete Guide (2024)

Mastering the TMF: Ensuring GCP Compliance and Inspection Readiness with Donna Dorozinsky

The FDA Group's CEO, Nick Capman, recently sat down with Donna Dorozinsky to discuss key considerations for Trial Master File (TMF) management and GCP compliance. 

Donna is a registered nurse and business consultant with over 30 years in drug development and extensive experience in study operations, including clinical operations, safety, data management, biostatistics, clinical supply management, and TMF management.

Donna is a TMF Reference Model Steering Committee member and is a member of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs. She’s also a founding member of the Society of Nurse Scientists, Innovators, Entrepreneurs, & Leaders. She serves on the Board of Trustees at Gwynedd Mercy University, where she received her BSN, and also has an MSN from Widener University.

Need expert TMF audit and inspection readiness support? With extensive experience conducting TMF audits and preparing sponsors for regulatory inspections, we ensure your trial documentation stands up to the highest scrutiny. Our seasoned auditors bring deep insights and best practices to fortify your TMF and boost your inspection confidence. Don't leave your TMF to chance. Contact us today.

In this guide:

In clinical research, the TMF stands as the cornerstone of regulatory compliance and data integrity. It's the "beating heart" of a clinical trial, pumping vital information through the complex drug development system. A well-maintained TMF doesn't just satisfy auditors; it tells the compelling story of your trial from conception to conclusion.

Having conducted hundreds of TMF audits, this guide is your roadmap to conducting a thorough TMF audit. It's designed for seasoned clinical research professionals who understand that excellence in TMF management can mean the difference between a successful drug approval and a costly failure. We'll delve into 15 critical areas, exposing common pitfalls that can derail even the most promising studies.

A Brief Introduction to the Trial Master File

Having deployed hundreds of clinical research professionals for TMF audits and inspection readiness projects, we've seen firsthand how critical the TMF is to the success of a study. The TMF isn't just a collection of documents; it's the comprehensive narrative of your clinical trial. It captures the highs, the lows, and everything in between. When managed properly, it becomes an invaluable asset, demonstrating your commitment to GCP and ensuring you're always inspection-ready.

In the early 2000s, the life science industry recognized the need for a standardized approach to TMF structure. This led to the development of the TMF Reference Model in 2007, which has since been adopted by most organizations and vendors in the field. The benefits of standardization include:

  • Easier integration of TMFs from different sources (e.g., sponsors and CROs).
  • Reduced costs associated with merging different TMF structures.
  • Improved consistency for regulatory inspectors, leading to more efficient reviews.
  • Enhanced ability for sponsors to navigate CRO-managed TMFs.

When we talk about TMF quality, we're really focusing on three key areas: record quality, timeliness, and completeness.

  • Record quality means ensuring all documents are complete, final versions, and filed correctly.
  • Timeliness is about maintaining an up-to-date TMF throughout the study, not just scrambling to update it before an inspection.
  • Completeness means including all relevant information, even the challenges and issues encountered during the study. Remember, regulators don't expect perfection, but they do expect to see how you identified and addressed problems.

Managing CRO-held TMFs

Many sponsors choose to have their CROs manage their TMFs, which can be an effective strategy. However, it's crucial to remember that the sponsor still has ultimate responsibility. This means maintaining oversight, implementing performance metrics, and conducting routine completeness reviews. It's also important to have a plan for managing sponsor-generated content and coordinating with other vendors to ensure all relevant information is included in the TMF.

Electronic TMF (eTMF) considerations

The move towards eTMFs has brought both opportunities and challenges. While eTMFs can be a significant investment, especially for smaller companies, they offer advantages in terms of compliance, accessibility, and organization. When considering an eTMF implementation, it's important to assess your organization's long-term goals and ensure you have the necessary supporting business processes in place.

The TMF in mergers and acquisitions

In the context of mergers and acquisitions, the TMF takes on added significance. It becomes a crucial part of due diligence, providing a window into the quality and compliance of the study being acquired. I've seen cases where inadequate TMFs have caused significant issues during acquisitions, underlining the importance of maintaining a complete and accurate TMF at all times.

Common Inspection Readiness Pitfalls

When preparing for inspection, we see teams often encounter several common pitfalls that can compromise their readiness. 

  • One of the most prevalent issues is the lack of standardized filing practices. Many organizations struggle with inconsistent document organization and classification, often lacking a comprehensive TMF Map/Index. This problem is compounded by unstandardized metadata assignments and the absence of clear naming conventions and date formatting. Such disorganization can significantly hinder inspectors' ability to locate and review critical information, potentially leading to compliance issues.
  • Poor TMF quality control is another major problem we encounter in our audits. This manifests in various ways, including incomplete or missing documents, delays in document filing and updates, and a lack of regular quality checks and audits. Many organizations also fail to fully utilize eTMF tools for quality control and reporting, missing opportunities to streamline processes and maintain high standards.
  • Delayed TMF maintenance is a common trap that many fall into. This includes procrastination in reviewing TMF health, resulting in last-minute document uploads before inspections. Such rushed practices can raise red flags for inspectors. Additionally, many organizations fail to engage stakeholders throughout the study and neglect content held in systems outside the eTMF, leading to gaps in documentation and oversight.
  • Inadequate ongoing TMF reviews pose another significant risk. Organizations often overrely on placeholders or Expected Document Lists (EDLs) without updating them as the study evolves. This can lead to a false sense of completeness, as teams assume the TMF is up-to-date without regular verification. It's crucial to understand that placeholders and EDLs are only as good as their last update and require constant attention.
  • Lastly, insufficient sponsor oversight is a critical issue that can severely impact TMF quality. Many sponsors over-rely on CROs for TMF maintenance without proper oversight, sometimes waiting until the CRO transfers the TMF to assess its quality. This hands-off approach can result in sponsors losing touch with their own TMF. A robust, ongoing TMF oversight plan is essential, as is the involvement of SMEs in TMF management throughout the clinical trial process.

Preparing for the TMF Inspection: General Readiness Practices

Regarding regulatory inspections, the TMF is increasingly becoming the foundation upon which inspections are built. This is particularly true for EMA and MHRA inspections, but we're also seeing the FDA move in this direction.

A well-maintained TMF should tell the complete story of your study, including how you handled challenges and ensured protocol compliance. It's not just about having the basic documents; it's about providing evidence of your oversight and management throughout the study.

Recent regulatory findings have highlighted issues around computer system validation of TMFs, availability of records, and the completeness of investigator site files. It's worth noting that the TMF isn't just the sponsor's responsibility — investigator sites play a crucial role too, and their files are considered part of the overall TMF.

Below are some of the core principles we've found to be critical for TMF inspection readiness. Later in this guide, we'll zoom into what to focus on in a TMF audit, specifically.

Basic readiness


Narrative Coherence

A well-prepared TMF should tell a coherent story of your clinical trial from start to finish. This means not just including required documents, but ensuring they collectively narrate the study's progression, challenges faced, and solutions implemented.

  • Can you produce a document that outlines the complete story of your study, including all major challenges and resolutions?
  • Have you conducted a "blind" review where a non-study team member attempted to understand the full study narrative using only the TMF?
Real-Time TMF Management

The most-prepared teams adopt a "TMF-ready" mindset from day one. Real-time document filing and ongoing quality checks prevent last-minute scrambles and ensure the TMF accurately reflects the current state of the trial at all times.

  • What percentage of your documents are filed in the TMF within 5 business days of finalization?
  • Do you have a dashboard or something similar showing TMF completeness and quality metrics?
Investigator Site File Integration

Remember that investigator site files are considered part of the overall TMF. You should have documented processes to ensure site files are maintained to the same standard as the sponsor TMF, with regular oversight and support provided to sites.

  • What percentage of your investigator sites have undergone a remote ISF review in the last 6 months?
  • Can you quickly produce a site-specific TMF completeness report for any given site?
Quality Management System Integration

Your TMF should not exist in isolation. Integrate it with your overall QMS to ensure consistency in processes, documentation standards, and quality control measures.

  • Is there a documented process showing how TMF management integrates with your overall QMS?
  • Can youdemonstrate how a quality issue identified in the TMF would be escalated and resolved through your QMS?

Technology and systems


eTMF System Validation

Make sure your eTMF system is fully validated, with documented evidence of computer system validation. This includes user acceptance testing, audit trails, and ongoing system performance monitoring.

  • Can you produce your eTMF system validation package, including test scripts and results, within ~1 hour?
  • When was the last time you conducted a simulated system failure and recovery test for your eTMF?
Data Integrity and Accessibility

Implement robust data integrity measures, including appropriate access controls, audit trails, and backup procedures. Ensure all TMF documents are readily accessible to inspectors, including any legacy paper documents.

  • Can you demonstrate the audit trail for any randomly selected document in the TMF within minutes?
  • Have you successfully retrieved and opened every legacy document in your TMF within the last year?
Metadata Management

Pay close attention to document metadata. Ensure dates, versions, and attributions are accurate and consistent across the TMF.

  • Can you run a report showing all documents with incomplete or inconsistent metadata within ~30 minutes?
  • Do you have an automated alert system for documents with upcoming expiration dates (e.g., CVs, medical licenses)?

Process and People


Clear SOPs and Work Instructions

Develop and maintain clear, up-to-date SOPs and work instructions for all TMF-related processes. Ensure these are readily available and that all relevant staff are trained on them.

  • Can every team member involved in TMF management locate the relevant SOP within 2 minutes?
  • When was the last time you updated our TMF SOPs, and can you show what changes were made and why?
Vendor Oversight

Develop strong vendor oversight processes, particularly for CROs managing aspects of the TMF. Clearly define responsibilities, implement quality agreements, and conduct regular oversight activities.

  • Can you produce a CRO oversight plan specific to TMF management within 15 minutes?
  • When was the last time you conducted a joint TMF review with our CRO, and what were the outcomes?
Mock Inspections

Conduct regular mock inspections of your TMF. This helps identify gaps, familiarizes staff with the inspection process, and provides opportunities for continuous improvement. Contact us for mock inspection support.

  • Have you conducted a full mock TMF inspection in the last 6 months?
  • Can you show how findings from your last mock inspection were addressed and verified as resolved?

Inspection Day Readiness


TMF Tour Guide/Inspection Lead

Designate and train TMF "tour guides" or hosts who can efficiently navigate inspectors through the TMF, explaining its structure and quickly locating requested documents.

  • Can your designated TMF "tour guides" locate 10 randomly selected essential documents within 10 minutes?
  • Have your TMF tour guides conducted a practice session in the last month?
Issue Management Plan

Develop a plan for managing any issues that arise during the inspection. This should include processes for researching questions, providing additional context, and addressing any findings in real-time if possible.

  • Do you have a documented TMF issue management plan for inspection day?
  • Can each team member articulate their role in addressing potential TMF issues during an inspection?
Inspection Room Preparation

Prepare a dedicated inspection room with all necessary resources, including computer access to the eTMF, any required paper documents, and facilities for the inspection team.

  • Do you have a fully equipped, dedicated inspection room ready for use within 24 hours' notice?
  • Have you conducted a dry run of setting up your inspection room, including eTMF access, within the last 3 months?
  • Is your inspection room prepared according to the list in the next section?

TMF Inspection Room Checklist  📋


 Technology and Access
  • Computer workstations (at least 2-3) with:
    • High-speed internet connection
    • Access to the eTMF system
    • Necessary software (e.g., PDF viewer, Microsoft Office suite)
    • Appropriate user accounts and permissions set up for inspectors
  • Large monitor or projector for group viewing of eTMF
  • Printer (with spare toner/ink cartridges)
  • Scanner
  • Photocopier (if not combined with printer)
  • Secure Wi-Fi access for inspectors (separate from company network if possible)
  • Phone with speakerphone capability
  • Charging stations for various devices
Documents and Resources
  • Paper copies of key documents:
    • Table of Contents or Index of the TMF
    • List of study team members and their roles
    • Organizational charts
    • Current versions of relevant SOPs
    • TMF SOP and associated Work Instructions
  • TMF Reference Model (latest version) documentation
  • Regulatory guidance documents (e.g., ICH E6(R2), applicable FDA guidance)
  • Study-specific documents:
    • Protocol and all amendments
    • Investigator's Brochure (current and all previous versions)
    • Sample Case Report Form (CRF)
    • Statistical Analysis Plan (SAP)
  • Quick reference guides for navigating the eTMF system
  • Contact list for key study personnel and subject matter experts
  • Issue log template for documenting and tracking inspector questions or concerns
Supplies and Comfort Items
  • Notepads, pens, highlighters, sticky notes
  • Staplers, paper clips, binder clips
  • File folders and labels
  • Whiteboard or flipchart with markers
  • Shredder for secure document disposal
  • Clock visible to all participants
  • Water and glasses
  • Light refreshments (e.g., coffee, tea, snacks)
  • Tissues
  • Hand sanitizer
Room Setup
  • Large table with comfortable chairs for inspectors and host team
  • Separate small table for inspectors to caucus
  • Good lighting, preferably natural light
  • Temperature control for room comfort
  • "Do Not Disturb" sign for the door
Security and Confidentiality
  • Secure, lockable cabinet for storing sensitive documents overnight
  • Visitor badges for inspectors
  • Confidentiality agreements (if required)
  • Information security reminder signs (e.g., "Log out when not in use")
TMF-Specific Items
  • TMF "Completeness" report showing current status of TMF
  • List of any known TMF issues or gaps with associated remediation plans
  • TMF quality metrics and trending reports
  • Documentation of recent TMF quality checks or audits
  • Change control log for TMF processes or systems
  • Training records for TMF-related processes and systems
Support Materials
  • FAQs document addressing common TMF-related questions
  • Glossary of study-specific terms and acronyms
  • Timeline of key study milestones
  • Map of investigator sites (if applicable)

Make sure all team members are familiar with the location and purpose of each item in the inspection room — and regularly check and replenish supplies as needed throughout the audit process.

15 Key Areas to Audit in Preparation for a TMF Inspection

We've driven the insights we've gleaned from executing hundreds of TMF audits and inspection readiness projects into 15 key areas to make sure you prioritize during an audit and inspection preparedness more generally. Talk to us to pair up with an experienced clinical auditor to schedule an audit that focuses on these and other areas.

1. TMF Structure and Organization

The foundation of a well-maintained Trial Master File lies in its structure and organization. A properly structured TMF ensures that all essential documents are easily accessible, facilitating efficient audits and inspections.

Common oversights we see in our audits include inconsistent filing practices across different study sites or CROs, lack of a standardized naming convention, and incomplete or outdated TMF indices. Some organizations fail to implement a clear versioning system, leading to confusion about which documents are current.

Another frequent mistake is the over-reliance on individual knowledge rather than documented processes for TMF maintenance. This can lead to issues when key personnel leave the study team. We suggest implementing a robust TMF plan at the study start-up, conducting regular quality checks, and providing ongoing training to all team members involved in TMF maintenance.

An excellent auditor approaches the TMF with the mindset of a new team member or an inspector. They navigate the file structure, assessing its intuitive nature and consistency across different study sites or CROs. Their eye doesn't just tick boxes for present documents; instead, they evaluate how effortlessly one can trace the study's story through the TMF. They ask questions like: "Would a regulatory inspector find this easy to navigate?" or "Could a new team member quickly locate critical information?"

Key audit actions

  • Verify that the TMF follows a logical, standardized structure.
  • Ensure proper indexing and cross-referencing of documents.
  • Check for consistent naming conventions and version control.
  • Assess the completeness of the TMF table of contents.

2. Essential Master File Documents

Essential documents form the backbone of the TMF, providing evidence of the proper conduct of the trial and the quality of the data produced. These documents collectively permit evaluation of the conduct of a trial and the quality of the data generated.

Many firms fall down here when they fail to file documents in real time, leading to gaps in the TMF. This often occurs with time-sensitive documents like CVs, training records, or regulatory approvals. Another frequent issue we encounter is incomplete document sets, such as missing signature pages or incomplete chains of email correspondence.

Problems often arise when there's a lack of clarity about which documents are truly "essential." This can lead to over-filing non-essential documents, cluttering the TMF, or under-filing, leaving out crucial information. You should have a clear, study-specific list of essential documents at the outset of the trial and implement a regular reconciliation process to make sure all required documents are present and complete.

When reviewing essential documents, auditors should go beyond mere presence checks. They should immerse themselves in the content, cross-referencing documents to ensure a coherent narrative throughout the TMF. They don't just confirm that CVs are filed; they assess whether these CVs actually demonstrate the required qualifications. They identify patterns in missing or incomplete documents, potentially uncovering systemic issues in document management. 

Key audit actions

  • Confirm the presence of all ICH GCP required documents.
  • Verify regulatory authority correspondence is complete and up-to-date.
  • Check for signed protocols and amendments.
  • Make sure the Investigator's Brochure is current and properly distributed.
  • Verify the presence of signed informed consent forms (or appropriate samples).
  • Check for complete financial agreements and insurance certificates.

3. Site Management

The TMF should contain comprehensive documentation of site selection, initiation, monitoring, and closure activities. This section of the TMF provides insight into how well the sponsor/CRO managed the investigational sites throughout the study.

An exceptional auditor views site management documentation as a window into the trial's operational efficiency. They evaluate not just the presence of site management processes but their effectiveness and timeliness. They look for trends in site performance and how the study team addressed any issues.

They ask probing questions, like:

  • Were site initiations conducted promptly?
  • How were struggling sites supported?

By delving into the quality of site selection rationales and ongoing management, they provide insights to enhance future site selection and management strategies.

In our audits, we sometimes find incomplete documentation of site selection rationale, especially for considered but not selected sites. Another frequent issue is the lack of updated CVs and training records for site staff, particularly when personnel changes mid-study.

Delegation logs are another big problem area. Responsibilities are unclear, or the log is not kept up-to-date with staff changes. This speaks to the importance of a robust site management plan, conducting regular site document checks, and maintaining open communication channels with all sites to ensure timely updates of documents.

Key audit actions

  • Review site selection and qualification documentation.
  • Assess the completeness of site staff CVs, training records, and delegation logs.
  • Verify the presence of signed investigator agreements.
  • Check for adequately executed clinical trial agreements.

4. Ethics Committee/Institutional Review Board (EC/IRB) Documentation

EC/IRB documentation is critical in demonstrating that a trial was conducted ethically and with due regard for patient safety and rights. This section of the TMF should provide a clear timeline of all EC/IRB interactions and approvals.

Problems often arise when multi-center studies fail to account for differing EC/IRB requirements across sites or countries. This can lead to inconsistencies in documentation or delays in approvals. We sometimes uncover sponsors failing to document all EC/IRB correspondence, especially informal communications that may contain important information or decisions. Another issue is delayed submission of safety reports or protocol amendments to the EC/IRB.

Our auditors always approach EC/IRB documentation with an eye for ethical oversight throughout the study lifecycle.

  • They assess the appropriateness of review types (expedited vs. full board) and the timeliness of submissions.
  • Their review goes beyond checking for approvals; they evaluate the quality of responses to EC/IRB queries, ensuring that ethical considerations were thoroughly addressed.
  • They verify that EC/IRB approvals align with protocol versions and amendments, ensuring continuous ethical coverage. This comprehensive approach ensures that the ethical integrity of the trial is maintained from start to finish.

Key audit actions

  • Confirm presence of EC/IRB approval letters for all sites.
  • Verify submission and approval of protocol amendments.
  • Check for annual reviews and study closure notifications.
  • Ensure all required EC/IRB correspondence is present and filed correctly.

5. Regulatory Submissions and Approvals

Regulatory documentation in the TMF provides evidence of compliance with all applicable regulations and demonstrates that the appropriate authorities were informed and approved to conduct the trial.

A very common oversight in this area is incomplete documentation of regulatory authority interactions, particularly informal communications or teleconferences. Another issue is the failure to clearly document the rationale for decisions made in response to regulatory feedback.

We typically see more problems in this area when there are multiple amendments or variations to the initial submission, leading to confusion about which version of a document is currently approved. We suggest maintaining a clear regulatory submission plan, implementing a robust tracking system for all regulatory interactions and approvals, and ensuring the most current approved documents are clearly identified in the TMF.

Our auditors make sure to assess not just the presence of submissions and approvals but the quality and completeness of regulatory interactions. They evaluate the appropriateness and timeliness of responses to regulatory queries, looking for evidence of a proactive regulatory approach.

Key audit actions

  • Verify the presence of regulatory authority approvals.
  • Check for complete submission packages (initial and amendments).
  • Ensure all regulatory correspondence is properly filed and up-to-date.

A Few TMF Management Best Practices to Keep in Mind


1. Leverage your TMF as a valuable asset, not an afterthought.

The TMF should be viewed as a strategic tool rather than just a regulatory requirement. For example, use the TMF to track the evolution of your study, identify trends in protocol deviations, or demonstrate how you've addressed safety concerns. In one case we encountered, a series of emails documenting how a safety concern was handled became crucial evidence during an inspection, effectively explaining away the inspector's concerns.

2. Ensure timely upload of content throughout the study.

Implement a process where study documents are uploaded to the TMF as soon as they're finalized. When protocol amendments are approved, ensure they're immediately added to the TMF along with any associated training records. This prevents the last-minute rush before inspections and provides a more accurate timeline of study events. Remember that in eTMF systems, upload dates are visible to inspectors, so consistently recent uploads just before an inspection can raise red flags.

3. Maintain high-quality records within the TMF.

Quality in this case goes beyond just having the documents present. Ensure all pages of multipage documents are included, avoid uploading draft versions, and file documents in their correct locations. For example, don't file site monitoring reports under general correspondence just because it's easier. Implement a quality check process where a second person reviews uploaded documents for completeness and correct filing.

4. Document the study's entire story.

Include documentation of challenges faced and how they were addressed. If there were issues with patient recruitment, include correspondence about strategies implemented to improve recruitment rates. If there were repeated protocol deviations at a particular site, document the additional training provided and follow-up monitoring to show how the issue was managed.

5. Take responsibility for TMF quality, even when working with CROs or partners.

Even if a CRO is managing your TMF, implement oversight procedures. This could include regular quality checks of the CRO's TMF, perhaps reviewing a random sample of documents each month. Also, ensure you have a process for adding sponsor-generated documents to the CRO-managed TMF, such as regulatory correspondence or safety reports.

6. Regularly review and assess TMF content for quality and completeness.

Implement a schedule of regular TMF reviews. For example, some firms conduct a full review quarterly or review specific sections monthly on a rotating basis. We always suggest using a TMF completeness checklist based on the TMF Reference Model to ensure all expected documents are present.

7. Implement a risk-based approach to TMF oversight.

Focus more attention on critical documents and processes. Many sponsors we've worked with needed closer oversight of essential documents like informed consent forms, while less critical documents like routine correspondence could be reviewed less frequently. Pay particular attention to areas where issues have been identified in the past, either in your own studies or in regulatory findings for similar studies.

8. Develop clear processes for managing sponsor-generated content.

Create a clear workflow for sponsor-generated documents. When regulatory affairs receives correspondence from an agency, there should be a defined process and timeline for getting that document into the TMF. Assign responsibility for different document types to specific roles to ensure accountability.

9. Establish a clear plan for integrating TMF content from multiple sources.

If working with multiple vendors or partners, create a plan for bringing all TMF content together. This might involve regular transfers of documents from vendor systems to the sponsor TMF or a final reconciliation process at study close. Also, make sure all parties understand their responsibilities for TMF contributions from the start of the study.

10. Train your staff on the importance of TMF quality and their role in maintaining it.

We can't stress this practice enough. Conduct regular training sessions on TMF importance and processes. This shouldn't just be for dedicated TMF staff, but for all staff who generate or handle study documents. Train clinical research associates on the importance of timely uploading of monitoring reports, and train medical writers on correctly filing clinical study reports and associated documents. These are two areas where training deficiencies seem to surface the most in our TMF audits.

Final Thoughts and Next Steps

Implementing a robust TMF audit program and maintaining inspection readiness requires meticulous planning, experienced personnel, and adaptable execution.

The key to success lies in thorough preparation, consistent execution, clear communication, and a commitment to turning audit findings into tangible improvements. By investing in a well-designed TMF audit program and inspection readiness strategy, companies can enhance data integrity, maintain regulatory compliance, and build trust with regulatory authorities.

Remember, each clinical trial is unique, and audit approaches should be tailored to the specific needs and risks of each study. Regular review and refinement of your audit process and inspection readiness tactics, based on experience and feedback, will ensure your TMF management remains effective and efficient in the face of evolving regulatory landscapes and clinical research environments.

Plan and execute your TMF audits with The FDA Group.

Implementing a robust TMF audit program and maintaining inspection readiness is crucial for ensuring data integrity, maintaining regulatory compliance, and safeguarding your company's reputation. But you don't have to navigate this complex landscape alone.

Here are a few of the reasons firms work with us to audit their TMFs and prepare for inspections:

  • Proven Expertise: With years of experience in conducting TMF audits across various therapeutic areas and preparing sponsors for regulatory inspections, we bring unparalleled knowledge and insights to your program.
  • Tailored Approach: We understand that each clinical trial and its TMF are unique. Our team crafts customized audit strategies and inspection readiness plans that align with your specific needs and objectives.
  • Regulatory Insight: Stay ahead of FDA, EMA, and other regulatory body requirements with our up-to-date knowledge of regulatory expectations and industry best practices in TMF management.
  • Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness: Our streamlined processes and experienced auditors ensure thorough TMF audits and inspection preparation without unnecessary delays or expenses.
  • Comprehensive Support: From TMF audit planning and execution to inspection readiness training and mock inspections, we're with you every step of the way.

Fill out our quick contact form below, and we'll reach out to discuss how we can support your specific TMF audit and inspection readiness needs. Whether you're looking to overhaul your entire TMF management program or need support with specific components, we're here to help and respond within one business day.


Contact us to discuss TMF audit and inspection readiness support.

Topics: FDA Auditing