The Passionate Workforce

We're excited to announce the release of The Passionate Workforce, the first book from The FDA Group's President and CEO, Nicholas Capman. In only its first day after release, it became a #1 Amazon Best Seller. Drawing on his experience building and growing The FDA Group, Nick explores how intentional culture creation can lead to optimal performance by maintaining passion and reducing resentment — inspiring passion in leaders and managers.

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Does passion or resentment drive your workforce?

Many employees find themselves along a spectrum, closer to either passion or resentment for their work. Even a little resentment, though, goes a long way in threatening engagement and derailing outcomes.

How do you cultivate passion among your team? As an executive, how do you leverage your leadership skills to ensure dedication and optimize performance? In The Passionate Workforce, Nicholas Capman introduces tactics and strategies to motivate your team and become the leader your employees need to succeed.

Nicholas features fifteen pillars in his Passionate Workforce Assessment that reveal the type of leader you are and the disposition of your employees, enabling you to take immediate action and implement impactful strategies. More passion equals higher performance.

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Become the leader your employees need to succeed.

"When passion fuels us, we're not just employees; we become innovators, caretakers of quality, and positive forces within our teams. On the flip side, resentment transforms us into the very opposite, where our creativity wanes, our commitment to quality diminishes, and our overall impact becomes, at best, negligible or, at worst, outright destructive.

Drawing from personal experiences, including a period of my own life where resentment crept in, I underscore the reality that these feelings can quietly lead even the most promising individuals down a path they didn’t intend to travel. By taking steps to steer the collective mindset of a team towards passion, leaders can not only enhance the individual experience of their employees but also significantly boost the collective output and innovation of their teams.

I designed this book to be a lean, impactful read, devoid of filler content that often pads out professional development books. Each word is chosen to inspire action and reflection, ensuring that leaders can quickly grasp the concepts and apply them directly to their contexts."


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“In the decade-plus that I have known Nick, he has always strived for a high-performing culture at his company. Nick gets it. Culture matters. High performers matter, and having the right people matters. Nick has always been passionate about moving his companies and life along to greatness.”

Dan Mahr, President of Aalanco

“I have known Nick since we met at a CEO peer group fifteen years ago. Nick was passionate then, and it’s no surprise he has translated his passionate approach to his business to creating that same passion in his team. As a constant learner and observer of what is going on around him, Nick has distilled these concepts into a readable and usable form.”

Erik Dodier, Co-founder & CEO of RafterOne

“Nick brings the experience and wisdom of an entrepreneur who has built a thriving business from the ground up. Employee passion is critical to success, but as a business owner myself, it’s a puzzle I’ve struggled to solve my entire career. Finally, with this book, we have a coherent framework for establishing passion within an organization. Thank you, Nick!

David Marlin, President of MetaComet Systems

THE PASSIONATE WORKFORCE Get the quintessential guide for inspiring your workforce and optimizing performance.



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