Free on-demand webinar

Practical Advice for Planning and Hosting Remote Life Science Quality Audits

45-minute presentation with 15-minute Q&A. Slide deck and white paper included.

Ongoing travel and workplace disruptions have made in-person audits difficult if not impossible to conduct. Remote audits have emerged as a solution for avoiding canceled or deferred assurance activities.

If you're new to hosting remote audits, planning and facilitating one can be a challenge. In this free live webinar, experienced auditor and Quality/Regulatory consultant Neal Siegel reveals battle-tested strategies and best practices for achieving remote audit success without the headaches. You'll get useful advice at various phases of the assessment process, including planning, document review, process review, facility review, interviews, and closing meetings. 

About the Presenter

Neal Siegel is an independent Quality/Regulatory consultant (IVD/Med Device/Pharma) with 25+ years of experience and a particular interest in quality statistics and understandable, practical application in instances of compliance shortcomings. He has extensive, successful experience from lab bench to C-suite and welcomes opportunities to mentor and teach sustainable skills for the industry. Neal has participated in assessment and remediation teams for companies with severe Warning Letters and Consent Decrees and is knowledgeable in successful recovery from these types of regulatory actions.

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